Learning from other experiences – Study visit to Kyrgyzstan for Jordanian partner organisations

Group photo for participants in the study visit in front of Osh State University

In a study visit to Kyrgyzstan from 23 to 28 September 2024, 18 participants of the six new partner organisations of DVV International Jordan were introduced and familiarised with the adult learning and education (ALE) system and service providers of the Central Asian country. The study visit was jointly organised by DVV International Kyrgyzstan and DVV International Jordan.

During the study visit, the participants from Jordan met and discussed with representatives from governmental and non-governmental institutions as well as networks in the field of ALE, formal and non-formal education, and development. In Bishkek, Osh, Kant and Chok-Tal, the participants got the opportunity to experience the potentials of ALE as driver for change on an individual and a community level. The group met among other representatives of the Kyrgyz Adult Education Association, the civil-society organisation “Youth of Osh”, Osh State University, as well as libraries and diverse community and training centres. 

The Jordanian partners came back to Jordan with new insights and ideas for their work in ALE. The cooperation between DVV International Jordan and the new partners started at the beginning of 2024 and will last until the end of 2026. The new partners are three non-governmental community-based organisations and three governmental community development centres under the umbrella of the Ministry of Social Development. The objective of the study visit was to broaden their understanding of ALE beyond national borders, receive insights into other ALE service delivery systems, and take the learning to innovate and enrich their ALE programmes in Jordan.

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