Adult Education for Poverty Reduction (AEPoR)

DVV International and its partners worked on strengthening the 12 organizations' capacity to provide high-quality Adult Education programs with a strong focus on poverty reduction. Various trainings and workshops were held in cooperation with the CBOs. The intensive coaching through DVV International and JOHUD staff proved to be especially effective. By the end of the program, the CSOs are able to develop strategic plans and write their annual activity plans based on their vision and goals. They are capable of identifying their local community needs and designing training workshops that match these needs. The networking skills of the organization improved considerably and new cooperation was established.


A series of field visits, consultations, and meetings with the CSOs representatives, Local Authorities (LAs), and community members were conducted in the target areas to promote the concept of Adult Education as a tool to reduce poverty, and to identify potential partners.

An Institutional Development and Assessment (IDA) tool was developed to identify and assess potential opportunities for cooperation with the CSOs. The tool was implemented with 21 CSOs. As a result, 12 CSOs were selected.

Capacity building

Capacity-building workshops for the representatives of 12 partner CSOs were conducted in the target areas. These workshops resulted in a deeper understanding of the representatives on a range of important topics, such as the development of strategic plans, networking, advocacy, resource mobilization, and outreach to the public. Quality assurance and tracer study workshops were conducted focussing on addressing the quality standards in the training process. As a result of these workshops, an easy and effective tool that measures the results of the courses was developed and tested. The trainers used the tool to follow up on beneficiaries after they finished the training courses.

Curricula development:

Based on the results of a Participatory Rapid Appraisal conducted in the four areas the topics for the four new curricula were developed: Life skills, Business startup skills, Vocational training courses, and Green jobs (recycling and upcycling).

Trainer/ facilitators: 40 trainers/ facilitators in the targeted areas           

The project built a team of 40 trainers that are now able to deliver targeted income-oriented pieces of training in their communities. This component was perceived as a major success by the CBOs, the trainers themselves, and the evaluator as the local training capacity that was built is now replacing trainers coming from Amman. Other organizations got interested in skilled trainers and offered employment.

Final beneficiaries: 517 community members trained

517 individuals were trained during the training program using the newly developed curricula in the fields of vocational training, employability, soft skills, business start-up skills, recycling, and life skills. They use their new skills to improve their social and economic life in their areas and set a good example for other youth.

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