DVV International in Middle East

DVV International started cooperating with partners in the Middle East in 2009. The Regional Office opened in Jordan (Amman) in 2011. A Country Office in Palestine (Ramallah) was established in 2012, followed by a branch office in the Gaza Strip in 2013 which was closed at the end of 2023.

In light of the geopolitical tensions in the region resulting in instability, weak economies and social friction, DVV International Middle East is focusing on building resilience among their partner institutions and the communities that they serve. Together with its partners, DVV International strives to empower youth and adults to unfold their potential and engage in economic, political, and social life in their community.

DVV international Middle East is working towards these objectives through different means:

· by working on national policies with governmental institutions,

· by advocating for better framework conditions for adult learning and education,

· by building capacities of institutions of adult learning and education and their staff, in particular facilitators/trainers,

· by developing innovative training programmes for adult learners,

· by organizing a structured exchange of knowledge and expertise among adult education practitioners and experts, both nationally and regionally.

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