October 10-11, 2022. Dead Sea - Jordan
Within the steps of the DVV International in Jordan to support partners Adult Learning and Education service providers by developing at least two joint training products under the same name (Brand and Quality Seal), a Workshop on Branding for Adult Learning and Education was conducted to develop, define and visualize the common identity of Learning Centers and adult education partner in Jordan.
The workshop was conceived and designed by the Marketing Director of the DVV International Anja Thöne who is an expert in the fields of branding and adult education with many successful experiences in developing such shared identities at the national, regional and international levels. Through the workshop, the most important common features and characteristics of the partner centers (adult learning and education, development and empowerment, and sustainability) were agreed upon, on which the most important visual elements of the joint brand were built.
Where the graphic designer of the brand will work in coordination and consultation with the partners to develop their brand to be an essential element in the campaigns to gain advocacy and promotion for them.
The workshop first addressed the basic and common features and values between local partners in Jordan. The workshop also touched upon some examples of international and local brands, especially those working in the field of adult learning and education. Everyone also participated through the working groups by identifying and formulating the most prominent features and values of their positions.
In another session, the participants discussed how to position themselves in the adult learning and education sector at the local level, realizing the importance of what was found and emerging locally, regionally, and globally. The participants agreed on a unified formulation of their positioning, "Our awareness of the local reality and the accumulation of knowledge and experiences help in forming a common identity within a national context to develop effective learning approaches that meet the needs of society to achieve sustainable development and community empowerment through adult learning and education."
As for the third session, it was led by the graphic designer in charge of developing the common visual identity, where she explained to the participants what the logo is and its importance, and how there are basically 9 different types of logos and showed examples of those logos. Everyone was then engaged within the working groups to identify the most prominent attributes, values, emotions and positioning ideas that underlie the graphic design of the co-branding.