Preparing the elements and content of Adult Learning and Education National Framework

DVV International, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, recently organized a highly productive workshop from 22nd to 24th June 2023 in Dead Sea in Jordan. The workshop aimed to gather key stakeholders and members of the technical committee to lay the foundation for the national framework for adult education in Jordan.

During the workshop, participants engaged in interactive sessions that guided them in developing a comprehensive national framework. They diligently reviewed and discussed the proposed structure, striving to create a well-defined and coherent framework that meets the needs of stakeholders. Additionally, the participants worked together to create a role matrix, which would identify the tasks involved in implementing the framework and assign corresponding roles within the technical committee.

The workshop achieved significant progress towards the development of the Adult Education National Framework. Participants demonstrated their dedication and expertise, making valuable contributions to shape the framework's elements and content. However, it is important to note that the finalization of the framework is still ongoing.

The fruitful discussions and collaborative efforts during the workshop laid a solid groundwork for the framework's completion. While the framework is not yet finalized, the workshop has set the stage for future steps. The Ministry of Education and DVV International recognize the importance of incorporating input from all stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive framework.

DVV International expresses its gratitude to the Ministry of Education and all workshop participants for their active engagement and commitment to advancing adult education in Jordan. Together, they are striving to create a national framework that empowers adults and promotes lifelong learning opportunities.

As the finalization of the Adult Education National Framework progresses, DVV International will continue to provide updates on the developments. Stay tuned to the DVV International website and reach out to their office in Jordan for any inquiries or further information.


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