Cooperation Agreement between DVV International and the Ministry of Social Development

Amman, March 25 - DVV International and the Ministry of Social Development signed a cooperation agreement on Monday to build the institutional capacities of community development centers.

The Minister of the Ministry of Social Development H.E.Mrs. Basma Ishaqat said: "The agreement marks the real partnership between the government and associations working in the field of social work and the optimal utilization of resources available in local communities.

H.E. pointed out that this agreement is an important step to activate the partnership between the Ministry and the German Society to contribute to the development of the community and help the community development centers and the development of educational, social and economic interventions in the development of local communities and help them overcome the challenges of daily life.

The Regional Director of the DVV International in the Middle East, Mr. Nazaret Nazaretyan, stressed the importance of partnership and cooperation with the Ministry by supporting the capacities of community development centers to enable them to carry out their various educational and developmental roles.

Under the agreement, the association will follow up the growth and expansion of entrepreneurial economic approaches, including the Rummana projects in Jedetta, Atayeb Eira in Eira and Yarga, and the Al Jameed School in Mhay.

In addition, the association is committed to train some 180 people interested in training and job seekers, in addition to other training in entrepreneurship and community development, through community development centers directly or through coordination and referral to the Vocational Training Corporation or other training institutions in coordination with the Ministry.

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